Monday, August 31, 2009

Natural High

Anticipation is a very tricky feeling. I need to put it up in LingLand '_'

Working on an Az'ure Light Up Nigeria project. I find myself going back and forth on my tabs. Refreshing my emails to see if great news or even good enough news awaits. It's such a bad habit. I need to chill. I need a drink, but I have a cold so all I can drink is tea :-(
At least I know Progress is 60 more % before completion

Why do people, mostly men take a woman's strength for doggedness? They are so threatened by our tenacity that they try to make us believe that it is not usual; improper if you may to be strong-willed. Well, you can kiss my skinny behind. Deal with it or go jump in front of a speeding BMW.

"I have developed the act to keep creeping thoughts lingering on the edge of my mind. They, Far enough to remain harmless, are quite light and unable to penetrate the core of my senses. Denying them previously granted access. You are him and you are you...and them,... It's all very similar. Forgive me if I misjudge you but I know no other way to be familiar. We'll play the game of cat and mouse... or dog, which ever personality you are more drawn to. I'll tell a ruse and you as I forecast, will make your eyes shrink like "certainly confused". So predictable."

**So are we really uping the prices for our mamas clothes by calling them vintage?....Lol. Yah, ask the next person who cares cos I ain't buying if it costs that much.**

*sniffle sniff sniffles*

Why think about someone when they don't you? Why call someone when they can't be asked to call you? Beats me o. We need to learn to Stop making excuses for others dispassion. Stop caring about what they think or what you think they think, because no matter how much we try to dream up scenarios for them, we always get it wrong. We deserve what we get based on what we give, I believe.

I am not Ordinary. I am unexpectedly phenomenal. What I do next should not shock you but give you the courage to be free indefinitely. So much to do and see Naturally. I assimilate it clearly. You should too. Don't be restricted to the four walls of institutions. Be out in the fields, underwater or the sidewalk fulfilling your passion rather than smoking joints, shooting up and getting high unnaturally, artificially, like the pretentious world we live in.

Some get off from being In Love :-)
"It was a different kind of high for me. Caught in moments when the Earths gravity gave way causing us to float with our feet still on soil."

Some get off from their creativity ;-)
"I knew this was my destiny after my fifth ever compliment. I was five and the end results always came naturally"

I will wait for no man to give me clarity. I have the feat of the Almighty. Have control over your Heart. Have control over you Mind. Have Control Over your Body....This is what God said to me...
...Welcome to my life World.
This is my destiny

Friday, August 28, 2009

Random Fridays

Friday oh Friday...not that I've got nothing to do but I just don't do nothing. I'm currently a bum and I like it :-)

I like twitter because I can say as much as I can with no pressure. The first thing about twitter I abhor is "Follw Fridays" or watever they call it. I don't want to explain wat it is but, I just hate it. "Don't Abuse the Application"...Why do you have to tweet every damn minute. Like I check my page after two hours and all I see are 100 tweets from one person...As in, really?? And they've started forming cliques again ontop twitter. RT themselves all damn day. I know I sound like a hater but gosh, I dint notice this until I started following Nigerians on there. This whole social thingy we find ourselves doing really pisses me the hell off. Needless to say that I've UnFollowed the lot. Follow me I guess? If you want sha.


Major changes are about to take place and I can't wait. To think that I was ready to move back. Now I'm just ready to move out and move on :-)


*I need to hold back on the smiley faces*

Playstation...You SUCK. So I bought my PS3 console 2 month ago and these fools decided just now that they'll be releasing the PS3 slim. I'd have definitely chosen slim over phat because I do a lot of travelling and the 1st gen PS3 is heavy boy. Hmph!!! Arggghhh...And to find a buyer will be a BIG problem because not only did they increase the memory on the Slim, but they also reduced the price by a hundred bucks. Who in their right minds is gonna want this dinosaur that I own now ehn. And no one can tell me I didn't play my cards right before getting my console. I waited for what seemed like eternity, over three years before I bought it. If thats not patience, I don't know what is. I'm so very disappointed. Whatever sha.

Working on some Azure accessories. This one will coincide with a particular issue in Nigeria. You'll have to wait and see but it's going to be a hit :-)

my new bestest website for Naija news. It has everything from sports to politics to arts :-)

I've started drawing again...well, sort of. Damn, I haven't drawn since...since...2007??

This entry feels like a Dear Diary type joint.

***And 7 hours later...I broke my wireless usb. I rushed to Bestbuy 5 minutes ago and just like that, I've xchanged it for a new one. One of the reasons I Love America. If we were in Jand, I'll have to explain what, why, how and when the accident happened. If we were in Naija, I'd be coughing out another $70 to buy a new one because we know those fools don't take back anything; Broken or***

Back to my original post...***Hold that thought. I gotta go somewhere too do something right quick***

Ok, I'm back. So I decided to check out the PS3slim o, and guess what....WHAT you say?...They're sold out. That's how I would've sold my console and be left with nothing. Lol...God works in mysterious ways.

***I started to hear myself think, so I turned up the Radio***

My baby gets more adorable each day. If I can love a friends kid this much, I wonder how much love I'll have for my own kid. Can't wait :-)
It's rainng outside. Good reason not to call anyone or go out. This is going to be a wonderfully quiet weekend.

Stay Blessed world.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I've fallen in love with Techno and House and Funky house music.
Ever since love left, I've resorted to fast tunes with heavy bass. All that mushy stop can not pay me at this point in my life. I'm back to being hard ;-)
Went to Taman Gang with my hommie and her school mates. I loved the music there. My friend thot I was wacko when I was jumping like a white girl cos they were playing one of my Techno Enjoy this track by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland. I absolutely adore this track and the video is so cool too.

Happy Birthday OmoT

Keep Love Alive people!!!!


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Enjoy the Pics

Laura Izibor @ Kings College June 1st 2009

India Arie July 12 2009

John Legend, July 12 2009.

Cold Play @ Koka Booth Amphitheatre August 6th 2009

The Past Months

I went on a brief Hiatus :-)
I broke my literally. I unscrewed it and did so much damage that the Geek at the Squad couldn't revive my wireless, so I had to buy a USB thingy that picks up connections. He at least fixed some other sutff for free.. Best Buy rocks.
Just recovering from a hangover. After a long day taking my friends mum shopping, my hommie gave me a bottle of White wine. I never understood when guys said that they could finish a whole bottle in one sitting. I didn't understand until last It is indeed very possible.
So how have you lot been? I'm gonna summarize my life since I left in May.

May/June: went to England for my fathers god-daughters wedding. It was nice. It was great having the whole family on vacation together in one spot. Caught up and chilled with a lot of old and great friends. I love my friends mehn. I can't say this enough. *sigh*. London was so much fun though. I was never home. One thing I learnt was to take a shower before I stepped out of the door even if you're just going up the hill for some Ate some good food. Monica the The day before my birthday, I took my fam to go see Laura Izibor and Mamas Gun. OmoT was skeptical unitl after the show. She's not into my kind of madness. Soul music and the likes but she really enjoyed it. I'm glad she did. The twins can't stop talking about it too. The especially loved her song "Mmmmmm".
I Got addicted to Ribena all over again. Fish and Chips. Good Chocolate. And all the men that kept me company and enjoyed my Hmmm, there was this one guy that was quite disgusting. I won't go there sha but ewwww...And there was one that was in love with my locs. First guy that I allowed touch my That my future boo from Zimbabwe :-) He was too cute abeg. And his pick up lines were adorably Gosh!!! And the one that saw me on the street and believed we were destined to Men are funny sha. But it's always good fun cos I can accomodate randomness and I find it quite enjoyable.

Anyway June/July: Got back to Yonkers. Went back to the lab, got some work done and played harder. My hommie got married and my friends came down. We always wile out when we're together...lo.. Fun times. Drove down to DC with poodle. Went for the Chelsea/Ac Milan game in Baltimore. Stayed at Gizzles. Went to see FRESHLY GROUND...*sigh* best concert of my life til date. God is good oh, and He most certainly loves me. So Poodle and I left the house an hour early so we wouldn't miss a thing ehn. Just for us to get there an hour late because downtown Washington DC is retarded..hisssssssss...And i didn't have GPS. Jojo who went with LG was giving us updates. She met the lead singer sef, can u imagine. Like they had a whole conversation and too pics and all WTF. Sha sha, we got there and thankfully there were some problems so they started 2 hours I was so happy o, cos if I missed the show, I woulda cried. The week after, I saw John Legend in concert. India Arie opened for him. My boo, so sexy :-) My friends bought me very good seats as my birthday pressie. It was a great show.

August: Maxwell tickets were sold out at Ticketmaster for weeks until the day of the concert and I got great seats. Row K. Mary Mary opened for him. Random bah? One of them is pregerz sef. She looked bonz with her bang belly. Maxwell is so sexy yo. His song is even playing right now. what a coinkidinki. Any who, that dudes smile can heal my pain on a bad day. We weren't allowed to take pics so I don't have those for u :-(
The day after, I saw COLD Play. This concert was actually pretty cool. At the box office, there was a Lil Wayne poster hanging on the window cos he was performing on saturday. I asked the lady for Cold play tickets. She did a double take and asked in an unsure manner.. "For tonight?". And I was like "Yes!!!". She looked shocked outta her mind...lmao. But yeah, we had so much fun that night. And here we are, the day after my hangover, I'm blogging again. Re-registered for thesis so I'll defend sometime in December. That's it really.

I Promise to be good and blog at least once a month okay?...Luv y'all.
P.s, I'm looking for a boyfriend for my bestfriend. If u have d hook up, lemme know ;-)